Oncomine NGS Solutions
We understand that not all laboratories are the same. NGS applications and content should be tailored to the needs of your lab. We offer specific tests to cover a broad spectrum of biomarkers adaptable to your needs and technical support for implementation.
FFPE Tumor Profiling Solutions
FFPE samples (breast, lung, colorectal, etc.) are often small and the tumor content is limited in quantity or quality. Oncomine assays require less input than commercial assays and have a proven track record of high success. This allows laboratories to obtain results for a large number of samples and enables complementary analyses.
Hematooncology Solutions
NGS testing allows you to consolidate and streamline your workflows, providing faster turnaround time (TAT), increased sensitivity and potentially higher detection yield. Simplify and accelerate your research with our portfolio of haemato-oncology research tests. We make it easy to get everything you need from a single test.
Liquid Biopsies Solutions
Our multi-biomarker NGS solutions allow you to reproducibly detect somatic mutations in plasma down to 0.1% level in genes relevant to solid tumours. Using them as part of a complete NGS liquid biopsy workflow, you can get results in as little as two days.
Immuno-oncology Solutions
This pan-cancer gene expression assay is designed to interrogate the tumor microenvironment to enable mechanistic studies and identification of predictive biomarkers for immunotherapy in retrospective or prospective clinical trial research cohorts. The assay is optimized to measure expression of genes involved in tumor-immune interactions, including low-expressing genes involved in inflammatory signaling.
Laboratory Equipment and Consumables
Visit our product page for the full range of laboratory equipment and supplies.