Medical Equipment
Minimally invasive equipment and instruments for gynecology

The main purpose of colposcopy is to prevent cervical cancer by detecting and treating precancerous lesions early. We offer you the perfect solution, with a wide range of models, configurations and accessories, exceptional image quality and outstanding performance in creating and sharing reports for your patients.

Hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive surgery to evaluate the uterine cavity and treat intracavitary pathologies (uterine polyps, intrauterine fibroids, uterine synechiae, uterine septations, endometrial biopsies). We offer the complete solution for the safest See&Treat hysteroscopy. Solutions to treat all uterine pathologies without compromise.

Laparoscopy is a modern method of exploring and operating on the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, via the abdominal route, using a laparoscope (a very thin optical instrument connected to a video unit via a optic-fiber light source).