qPCR Oncology & Hematooncology
Our range of qPCR IVD solutions is designed to simplify your process and speed up your results, so you can answer important questions faster and easier.
Real Time PCR Assays for Oncology Diagonsis
Using specific primers and probes, EntroGen qPCR assays amplify and quantify specific targeted mutations present in a sample nucleic acid sequence. They are designed to be easily implementable in any cancer diagnostcs laboratory for detection of clinically relevant SNVs, small indels and/or gene fusions.
Myeloid Malignances Testing
The Ion Torrent Oncomine Myeloid Research Assay is a comprehensive, targeted NGS assay designed to assist in the understanding of myeloid cancer. Specifically, it interrogates relevant DNA mutations and fusion transcripts associated with myeloid disorders in a quick and easy NGS run.
Laboratory Equipment and Consumables
Visit our product page for the full range of laboratory equipment and supplies.