Toxicological Testing
Our solutions improve your toxicological test results. Quantify low levels of drugs and metabolites in complex biological samples, confidently detect new psychoactive substances (NPS), and expand your lab’s capabilities to test the most challenging samples.
Drug of Abuse Analysis Solutions
Whether you need to perform toxicology screening, confirm and identify drugs, or characterise new and emerging substances (NPS) in Romania, we have the complete solution for your most demanding requirements.
Doping Control Solutions
Discover banned substances in athletes’ samples using our solutions to reliably detect, identify and quantify drugs. Our product catalogue has the sensitivity, specificity and selectivity to provide reliable results.
Forensics Testing Solutions
Detecting traces of confiscated drugs, chemical warfare agents, explosives or illicit materials requires high throughput and sensitive tools. The instruments in our portfolio enable the necessary results to be obtained while meeting forensic standards.
Laboratory Equipment and Consumables
Visit our product page for the full range of laboratory equipment and supplies.