Human Identification
We offer comprehensive and streamlined DNA forensic analysis workflows to help you solve difficult cases and provide investigative leads in a forensically responsible way. We are committed to providing unparalleled support and continuous innovation to meet your requirements.
PCR Solutions
Our solutions combine PCR sensitivity with the power of multicolour fluorescence technology to enable robust and reliable results. These forensic STR DNA detection kits offer maximum data recovery and reduced marker amplification time.
Rapid DNA Analysis Solutions
The solutions we offer are compact and easy to use. RapidHIT ID generates forensic DNA profiles in almost any environment in just 90 minutes – and no technical expertise is required.
NGS Solutions
The Precision ID NGS system for human identification can help you solve difficult cases by getting more information from your difficult samples. It gives you the support you need to move these unknown samples from storage to investigative leads.
Sample Preparation Solutions
Forensic DNA samples are among the most difficult to process because they are often limited in quantity, may be exposed to the environment and may be on substrates containing PCR inhibitors. Our solutions help you maximise the quantity and quality of genomic DNA extracted and purified from a forensic sample.
Automated Sample Preparation Solutions
Easily process up to 96 DNA samples in less than 90 minutes to get critical answers faster. You can process the most complex types of forensic evidence, including bone, teeth and touch DNA samples, quickly and easily.
DNA Quantification Solutions
The quantification stage of the case workflow is key to determining how a sample will be further processed. Our DNA quantification kits allow your crime lab to get accurate results in less time, even for the most challenging cases.
Sexual Assault Cases Solutions
Biological evidence in sexual assault cases is among the most difficult for forensic laboratories to deal with. Samples collected from female victims may contain very small amounts of male DNA mixed with large amounts of female DNA. Our solutions help you quickly and accurately assess whether the samples contain a male contributor.
Data Interpretation Software Solutions
GeneMapper ID-X Software v1.7, an automated genotyping software solution, streamlines human identification data analysis needs, including forensic case investigation, database and paternity testing.
Laboratory Equipment and Consumables
Visit our product page for the full range of laboratory equipment and supplies.